At 67, I’m 5 yrs. old in my head… That’s why I taught Kindergarten!

Good Lord, I love to laugh! I spend a lot of playtime with my grandkids, girlfriends, family, former students and parents.

First thing in the morning, before my feet hit the floor, I pray. I praise God for my blessings, and ask Him to walk with me through the day.

As Granny always taught me, ”Laughter is the best medicine!” How right she was.

I love to surround myself with people with a great sense of humor. Recently, I went to The Black Hills with 3 friends. We drove 2 days out and back. Trust me friends, next vacation, we’ll fly.

Myself, and one of my friend’s, were packed in the back seat like sardines. Between coolers, bags, and all of my paraphernalia, we had a lot to laugh about.

I’m a nut in every sense of the word. In my little corner of the back seat, I brought the following: lap table, coloring books, markers, colored pencils, blogging materials, books, and daily devotional. I was a sight to behold.

Along with a dear friend, I have written 14 children’s books. Two are published and we’re trying to build an audience. I am a rhymer. I also write children’s poetry. Having been a former art teacher, I love to create. Therefore, sitting in the back seat, for hours on end, I started making up rhyming songs.

OK! Some of you may think this juvenile…good for you. I’ll guarantee that we had a whole lot more fun than you did that day! You have to understand, that’s my kiddie brain.

A lot of this zaniness comes from my mom’s side of the family. My one cousin had 10 kids. That definitely was the fun bunch! That side of the family always looked at their cup as half full. They live in the positive. I still love spending time with them.

To this day, I remember the antics of 2 of my relatives. My great-aunt Norma was the epitome of laughter. When she and Granny were together, that’s all we did…laugh.

My mom’s cousin, Gus was always joking and laughing. At his funeral, his wishes were granted at the meal following the ceremony. We all had chocolate, and raised a glass of wine to celebrate Gus’s life.

Laughter induces endorphins, which enhances mental health and happiness.

Granny lived to be 95. During my high school years, I’d spend my evenings back in her room, after homework was done. I learned and laughed a lot.

My paternal grandfather lived to be 106. I laughed and learned a lot.

One of my major goals is the following: Growing old is a frame of mind. Laugh, create, and remain young at heart.

So my friends, I challenge you. Find something to laugh about everyday. You and those around you will live with a lightness of heart.








  1. Alix Louise | 10th Jul 17

    AMEN SISTER! It helps too that you have a contagious laugh (: and are always trying to brighten the lives of those around you!

    • | 24th Jul 17

      Alix Louise….how you make me laugh!!!! From my student teacher… to the amazing young woman you have become….Go for the gold, Sister. You are the best! Love yo bunches! Susan Mary

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